We are committed to ensuring each young person is placed in our homes because we have made skilled and informed decisions about their care.
At Amegreen Children’s Services we understand the impact of Developmental Trauma and lack of secure attachment in young people. We are committed to ensuring that each individual young person is placed in one of our homes because we have made a skilled and informed decision about whether they are well matched, to the young people already residing in the homes, and if our staff team has the right skills and experience to support your young person’s needs. We complete a dynamic and thorough impact risk assessment, and we aim for planned transitions into our homes to reflect best practice.
Although we consider emergency placements, we prefer to plan supportive visits to the home to enable the young person to build some sense of knowing the adults and the established group of children, and to help decrease anxiety the young person may be feeling at such a difficult time.
Rachel, and Gary, the Directors of Amegreen Children’s Services oversee all referrals, to contact them click below.
“The home my child has been placed in, is accommodating and flexible in order to ensure we get to see and speak to our child as much as possible. I’ll always be grateful for that, and my child is always telling me about the fun things they get to do like horse riding and swimming.”
— Parent
“Staff have high aspirations for the children and encourage them to participate in a wide range of activities that give them opportunities to be adventurous, Amegreen have a nurturing approach which helps them feel secure and cared for.”
— Ofsted